So this week was nothing other than nuts. I mean the fact that it's already April is already crazy enough and that this is the 2nd conference that has happened since I have been on my mission. Time flies.
Well Monday was a way fun day. Elder Delbar (from my group) and Elder Snell (the group after me;Elder Kelch's group) came up from Ambositra to do a P-day here. It was way cool to see them. There is a guy here that makes paintings and can do anything you want him too. It's a little bit more expensive to do a custom one but well worth it. If you guys want anything painted, just send me a picture and I'll get it done. He looks like he does a really good job too. All the missionaries go to him. I'll see today if the painting I did turns out good. Elder Hein and Elder Fisher came up from Fianarantsoa for an MLC in Tana. The zone leaders here took them up in the car so Elder Mack and Elder Gariki didn't have a car for a couple days. So Elder Gariki came with us that night as well as Elder Delbar. We went and taught this new investigator, Robine and Jeannot. They have huge potential and will hopefully progress very well. We had a very spiritual lesson with them.
Tuesday was a pretty good day. We did a split and taught a ton of people. I did a bunch of contacting in this one part of our area that I guess is kind of near a Jehovah's Witness church so every thought that's who we were and didn't want to let us in. But when we told them we weren't, it was fine. We met back up with Razaka at some less active member's house and taught him. We've been doing a lot of that recently.
Wednesday was English class and no one came because it's Easter week. Kinda lame but that's essentially what the rest of the week ended up being too. We didn't teach a bunch of lessons that day because of the aforementioned cause, but our member help gave a fun spiritual thought at one of our lessons. Genesis 6:1-2. Yeah...
Thursday we had a zone meeting and it was way good. It was all about bearing testimony and how to do it powerfully. It was way cool. There are quite a few things I need to improve on in my own testimony bearing and that lesson was very helpful in that. Another lame day teaching wise because of Easter. Like no one is home at all.
Friday was a pretty good day though. The city began shutting down for the huge Easter celebration that it's famous for. A lot of people weren't home but we got a bunch of less actives. I taught one family, Jean Marie, and they just make me super mad. They have been inactive for a very long time. When we taught them before they always said that they can't come because they are old and can't walk that far. But when I was there that night, the parents weren't home. I asked the kids where they were and they said that they went to Mahazoarivo, which is as far if not farther than the church from their house. It's frustrating when people don't understand that their eternal salvation is on the line.
Saturday we taught Robine and Jeannot again and showed the Restoration video in Malagasy. It was a way spiritually awesome lesson. We were there for a long time though because they are just thirsting for more and were asking tons of questions. We had a fireside with the district for Easter and watched Bible videos with Malagasy subtitles added to the bottom. It was a way cool video and you could really feel the spirit. After that, we were riding our bikes to our area and rode past the big celebration. Well we heard Stefanie singing like right near us so we stopped and got some pictures of her real quick. She's like the most famous Malagasy singer. We taught Tina and Naina after that and had a super good lesson with them. They want to be baptized so bad. The church gave them a Gospel Principles book and they've been reading it. They always ask about the temple too.
Sunday was the worst day of all of them. We did a split and had around 15 people that were on the schedule for me to visit. I went and not a single one was home. Not one. The most lame thing ever. Of all time. We went back and tried them all again and still nothing. We did find one though and taught them so it wasn't an entire waste of the day. We actually ended up teaching two more people after that so it was good. And when we went to go meet Razaka it was chaos. It was like walking through Disneyland at night but add bus and pousse pousses. I almost got hit by a bunch of things countless times. We taught Tina and Naina again and taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and about the temple. They really wanted to know about it and really want to go. They are so awesome I love them so much.
Today we are going to go to the booths and stuff set up for Easter because it's still going. I'm hoping there will be some cool stuff there. And we have a soiree with the district president tonight who actually served his mission in south Africa so he's way good at English
Well that's all for this week. I hope everyone enjoyed conference. I'll know how good it was in about a month.
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