So yeah long story short I'm getting transferred just in time to catch Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, which all happens to be in this transfer, so that'll be fun. I will talk about what's happening at the end of the email though. It's exciting.
Ponderize: 2 Ne 25:29
So last Monday we went to this place that has tons of souvenirs and stuff and looked around. It was cool but nothing really caught our eyes. There was one store that was selling tons of illegal stuff so that was cool. Well it would be illegal in America that is. We are talking shark heads, wale bones, crocodile heads and leather, stingray tails and all kinds of stuff like that. I took a picture and will probably attach it at the bottom. We had our family home evening with Liva and Hery and it was a pretty good lesson. They are getting better! And also Elder Lehr went home that day so that was kinda weird.
Tuesday we had a pretty good day. We had a lot of lessons fall through so that was kinda lame but hey we live with it. We were able to go out to Victor and help him get ready for his baptism on the 28th. We did a practice baptismal interview with him and he is super ready. I'm way excited for him. His real interview is this week, tomorrow actually. We were able to catch Dada at home as well and he is just not as motivated anymore I don't really know what's going on with him. He's stopped coming to church but he is still reading the Book of Mormon so that's good.
Wednesday we taught a bunch of less actives that haven't been coming to church. Well we usually get them to come for about 2 weeks and then they don't come and we have to go back. It's like herding cats to be honest. We were also able to teach Felgence, a new investigator. He is going to school here to be a doctor and he has taken an interest in the message. We need to get him to come to church though. We were able to teach Arlette as well and she keeps saying that see wants to get baptized but see is not willing to do the things that she needs to do to be baptized. So that is frustrating.
Thursday was interesting. We taught Cece first thing and he's awesome. His brother was there at the lesson and Cece just taught his brother the First Vision right there during the lesson. Super awesome. He's doing great although he didn't come to church yesterday. We received a referral from Fabien for some past investigators and we had set up a time with them and went back. Well it was not a very pleasant experience. She was obviously just lying to us. Like hardcore. It was ridiculous. But we had a meeting with the branch presidency after that and then went and taught Dieu Donne. He has been slipping into the "not progressing" category and we are trying to get him back in it. And then we taught the other Dada bout the Sabbath Day. He really needs to come to church but just never seems to come, not sure what's gong on with him. After our lessons we went to our usual Thursday night spot, Bolo. Tons of great ice cream. Well we get there and this white family comes out. From America. From Reno actually. He's a pastor that has moved here with his family for 5 years while he builds a church and gets everything organized. It was way weird.
Friday was a good day. That morning we went and picked up a package that the office sent up to us. It had some things for the church but also I got some letters and a package with candy in it! Thanks mom for the phonogram cards! Those are going to help so much with English We had quite a few lessons too so that was nice. We reviewed some things with Victor and his wife and things are just going great for them. They are set to get baptized on the 28th. We visited Bernard and Philibert later that night and shared some vatsim-panahy with them. We finished off with Ulrich and had a great lesson with him.
Saturday we taught a bunch as well. We had a practice interview with Mercien and found out a little problem that she was going to have to talk to the mission president about so that was kinda scary. We were still hopeful that she would catch the 28h though. We had a fireside after that that we set up. We talked about the Restoration and showed the video. It turned out pretty good. A good strengthening for the members. And boy do they need it. As soon as the fireside ended, we got a call from President Foote with transfers. So I'm going back to Tana. But it's weird. I am going with Elder Te'e, he's from a polynesian island, in an area called Tanjombato for about 2 weeks. And then he goes home. Then I am moving to an area called Ambohimanarina and be companions with Elder Yeagley. We will be Zone Leaders. I don't know what President is thinking, putting me as a zone leader. I don't know I just don't feel like adequate enough to do that job but that's what he wants I guess. The zone I am going to is the biggest in the mission and covers the north half of Tana. We'll see how things go I guess. We also were able to teach Lalao and Kristian and had an interesting time with them. We are just encouraging them to read the Book of Mormon but they have a hard time connecting the dots between the Book of Mormon and God's living prophet.
Sunday we had an area conference broadcast from the area 70 and Elder Renlund and Elder Cook. I heard it was really good but the broadcasts are so hard to understand in Malagasy that it was hard for me to really catch exactly what was said. We gave a blessing to a member and an investigator right after church and that was a cool experience. It's always cool to give blessings. Then we went out to work. We got a lot done yesterday. We had Mercien's real interview and we had to give President Lalari a call to have him talk to her. But everything is all good and she will be getting baptized! I'm super excited for her. We were able to teach a lot of investigators but our night program kinda fell apart. So we went and visit a couple people and did a little vatsim-panahy with them and said goodbye. We went to Ordance and Hanitra first. We had a great lesson with them and said goodbye and left. Well the wife of Ordance's son gave me a little piece of paper as we were leaving. Well she snuck it into my hand in a handshake. I will attach a picture of what it said. It's way funny. And then we went to Bernard and did a similar thing with them and said goodbye.
This morning we went out early to send something to Tana and meet up with Stephano and the branch presidency to go look for a new church building that we can rent. We found a good one and while we were looking at it, the pastor from America came and was looking at it as well. So we have got a little competition going on haha. But I just got the email with my flight plans and I fly back to Tana on Friday.
So yeah next week I will be back in Tana. I haven't been there in over a year so it'll be fun to work there again. I'm way excited but nervous to be a zone leader. I'm very sad to leave this area right before we have three baptisms and I am also way sad to leave Elder Stringfellow. He's great.
Have a great week everyone!
Elder Coleman
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