Monday, June 1, 2015

Sooo cold...

We had a very good week this week. On Monday we had a soiree with Nirina, who was leaving on her mission to Cote d'Ivore. She's way cool and it's sad to see her go. Missionaries leaving is just a sad thing like always but I was very excited for her. She's going to do great. Before the soiree though we did a bunch of contacting by her house which is super far away. We got a lot of good contacts though. 

Tuesday Elder Rigby and Elder Morley came down from Tana and did splits with the Elders here  in Antsirabe. Elder Rigby came with us that day and we had a way good time. We were contacting the whole day but it was good. We had a lot of people receive us and taught a couple lessons. We had a great time with Elder Rigby and he gave us some helpful things that we can improve on. Our last lesson was really good though. We taught Patrick and Ony and we had a really good lesson with them about the Book of Mormon and baptism. It was a very powerful lesson. Oh fun story of that day, we contacted a guy and he told us we should go back to America and save them because they are just like Sodom.... uhmm ok. 

Wednesday we did not have a super great day. All of our times fell through pretty much. It was super lame. We did get a couple times though so it was good. We had quite a few good times and we had English class which is always super fun. I love teaching English. 

Thursday we had a very good day of teaching. We taught tons of people it was awesome. One of my favorite investigator families right now is Raivo and Prisca. Their relatives are already members of the church in Tana but they aren't members yet. They are super accepting and love to have us over. They are super humble and are willing to do everything we ask them to do. They are progressing super well. We showed them the Restoration video and gave them a Book of Mormon and they loved it. They are super excited to read it and pray about it. They are Catholic and we taught them the way we pray. Usually Catholics shoot it down here but they were willing to try it and it was awesome. They just took the pamphlet and followed the way to pray in it and prayed right then and there. That's the first time I have seen that happen in my mission. It was a way cool experience. We taught another investigator family and gave them a baptismal date too this week and they accepted! And to top it all off we had a soiree with the district president at his house and it was super good food. We also had zone meeting that morning and I learned a lot from it too. I learned a lot from it and i realized how much I have learned about myself during my mission so far and how much I have changed. 

Friday I went on a split with Elder Obioma, one of our zone leaders and had a way good day. We had quite a few times fall through and some lessons with no adult male around so we ended up doing a bit of tracting for a couple hours. It was very productive and had a lot of success. We even found a Muslim lady who is Malagasy that speaks English, French and Arabic and Malagasy obviously. She also runs massages out of her house which is kinda weird actually because her house is like in the middle of nowhere. But we got a lot of good contacts out of it. We also gave another family a baptismal date and they accepted too. We've been doing a lot of that recently actually. I learned a lot from my split from Elder Obioma. He's a great missionary and I learned some new ways to do missionary work that I have never thought of before. And the way he sees the Book of Mormon is amazing, he sees it in ways I've never thought of before. 

Saturday we had a good day. Naina was super sick like way sick. So we didn't get to teach them but I hope she gets feeling better soon. We taught this one rich guy Christian and he is very smart. I asked him what he knew about us and he had heard some of the myths about us. One question that I did not expect to get asked was about the church owned archive place in northern Utah that's inside of the mountain. We got on the subject of family history too and he asked about evolution. I said that no we believe that we were created by God and came from Adam and Eve. He jokingly asked about people coming from gidro (lemurs) and that Malagasies have similar qualities as them. So i asked him, "Yeah, Well where's your tail?" His response was priceless. He said, "It moved to the front" I died laughing. I did not expect that at all. Then we had some good lessons with some people from that huge contacting experience I had two weeks ago and we taught a Lutheran family that Elder Obioma and I had contacted the day before. They were very accepting and nice but the one son was just trying to tear down everything we said. it was super annoying. He couldn't accept that those angels appeared to Joseph Smith and gave him authority. He insisted on us telling him where in the bible it said that people that were dead could come back and visit the living. It was annoying. I tried to not bible bash him but said that we are 19 year olds and we don't know everything but we do know that this happened and the only way too know is through prayer. 

Yesterday we had a good day of teaching. First off, yesterday was super cold. Like way cold. And when we got to church, we found out that L Tom Perry died. That took me by surprise for sure. I though for sure he was going to be around a little longer. I guess his work here is done though. We had very few people at church today and not a lot of investigators. I was very discouraged when the meeting started and we only had about 4 investigators there. But during the sacrament song, Raholy and Hery came in and sat with us! It was so awesome! It was there first time but they loved it. They are well on track to get baptized if they keep it up. Also Pascal passed the sacrament for the first time yesterday. It was way cool to see. Last night we stayed at Manadona's house last night and helped them clean it this morning because it is so big and it is only them that live there. it was fun. But it was so cold this morning holy cow. I haven't taken off this sweater. Thank you mom, it came just in time.

That's all for this week though so keep on keepin on.

Elder Coleman

Where they meet for church.

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