Sunday, December 13, 2015

Stake Conference and a dog

So it was a great week this week because I finally made it to my area and am now actually with my companion. I met up with him on Monday. We taught this really cool family actually that night that are dirt poor but love the gospel. They have gone less active in the last couple weeks because there's a problem and so we are trying to get that fixed. 

Tuesday was great. I got started right off the bat in conducting splits. I went to the area of Analamahitsy with Elder Reynolds! It was awesome to serve with him again for a day. He is doing great! He is getting great at the language. We had a great time together and had some great spiritual experiences together. Analamahitsy is a great area. 

Wednesday morning we met back up and I got to work in my own area for the first time. We did a bunch of contacting which we had quite a bit of success with. We were able to find a couple people that were searching for the truth but could not find it. We were able to teach a new investigator who had some potential but since has not shown a lot of diligence. We will see though. I met the branch presidency, the branch mission leader, and the elder's quorum president. We had a meeting with them and discussed our investigators. We had a cool family after that that we gave a baptismal date! It was way awesome and they are an awesome family. I love them a lot. 

Thursday we had another split with Akorondrano. I don't know my area yet so I went to their area with Elder Nelson. Elder Nelson is a stud. He's a brand new missionary, fresh out the box, but he is great! I learned a lot from my split with him and I just love splits. Mom, I think you might have met his mom? Not sure on that. There are lo9ts of great things happening in that area and he is already super good at the language. They had 7 baptisms on Saturday! Things are going great in the zone right now it's awesome to see.

Friday I was back with Elder Yeagley in Ambohimanarina and we had a great time. We were able to teach a few times and do a lot of contacting. It also rained. Hard. I was soaked all the way through, from head to toe. It was great! But we have a lot of good things happening in our area right now and I love it. Things are going great here. 

Saturday we had English class and there are so many people that come. Elder Yeagley and I taught the good class and it was fun. Something I forgot to mention about the church is that it is right next to the American Embassy. So I get to see a big American flag everyday I go to the church and I am very close to American soil. It's nice. After that we went out to work and did a bunch of contacting. That is something we are really focusing on right now is finding the elect, those that are ready to receive the teachings. The field is white ready to harvest. We are done with planting. We are harvesting. And we have been having some success. And I have a story. While we were contacting, we came to a house with some dogs. Not a huge deal done it before. The dog was scared of us but was barking at us. Eventually it got bored and wandered off behind us. But then it came back and bit my leg. And he got it pretty good too. It hurt! So now I have to track the dog for a week and make sure it doesn't have rabies. So that's fun. I have a picture of my bite but I don't trust this computer. I might get a virus. But after that we went and taught this way awesome family that is so close to getting baptized. The dad just has a problem with smoking. His name is Ndriana. They are super cool and I love them already. Then we taught some investigators and the 2nd counselors house. He has a way cool house up on a hill that overlooks the church and the embassy. So i took a picture even though you aren't supposed to take a picture of the US embassy haha. 

Sunday we had stake conference and it was awesome. It was so cool to see so many active priesthood holders and members. And I got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time! I saw Andry from Betongolo! And he got sustained to receive the Melchezidek Priesthood! Way awesome! I ended up translating the whole time for a new mission couple, the Tanners. I have never met them before. After that we went with the Wooley's to a lunch with a member in Ambohimanarina named Norbert. A little bit about him, he's high up in the government here and he's kinda crazy but he tries hard. He's way loaded too. There was a band at the lunch for live karaoke. We got some referrals out of it though so it was good. After that we were able to teach a couple times and do more contacting like ever other day. The end of the day we taught the family we taught Wednesday ni9ght. They are awesome and we want them to progress and that is kinda what we talked about with them. 

Well today we are going to play soccer in Akorondrano and then go to the office at some point. I'm glad it's P-day but the weeks sure do go fast. I can't believe Christmas is next week.

This part is in response to questions that I asked him.....
The Muslim people are awesome. I was able to read about them while I was in Mahajanga and they are a people very devoted to God. That is all they are about is God. They love God and want to serve him. A true Muslim would never be doing the things that the extremists are doing now. But there are always extremists in every group of people

Being zone leader is weird. We do splits and serve the missionaries in our zone. We set goals and help the zone to improve and work harder. Elder Yeagley is great! I love him! He is awesome!

This is an email I got from the mission secretary today:

Hi Sister Yeagley and Sister Coleman-
I thought you might want to see a cute picture of your missionaries.  We all had dinner with a member of their branch yesterday.  They are both such nice young men—you should be proud.  I was served an ear with my rice, and  tried to get Elder Coleman to eat it for me, but he wouldn’t-don’t blame him.

Sister Woolley

Madagascar Antananarivo Mission Secretary

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