Monday, December 28, 2015


What a week! It was crazy and went by pretty quick but it was awesome! 

Monday we just kinda wandered around Tana for P-day just looking for cool stuff for cheap. Well we found it and it was way nice. Our night program looked really good but it completely fell apart because of some bad traffic and so it took us over 3 hours to get back to the house. So yeah didn't get either of the times. Kinda lame. But we had some good cheesecake so that was good.

Tuesday we had a very good day. We were able to teach a bunch of people Our first time was kinda hard because there were a ton of kids and they were being super loud  and it was hard to focus on the lesson. And they can't read so that's kinda hard. We have a way cool guy that we teaching now. His name is Andry. He is just really concerned about the truth. He just wants to know what is the truth. He's a little harder to teach because he asks for proof with about everything we say. We had a lesson with Edmond as well and it was hard because there child was being loud and annoying again so no one could focus on the lesson at all. 

Wednesday we taught Flavien and Hanta first thing. They are recent converts and are super awesome. We taught them about the temple and they loved it. We taught a guy named Jean Kely about the Book of Mormon. He's kinda ify about our teachings and we think it has to do with his family. We don't think his family supports him learning from us and I don't think they will if he gets baptized. So a little bit of an issue there. We were supposed to have a big meeting at the  church but they cancelled it. But they didn't tell us until after we got to the church. Then we taught Ndriana's family. They are awesome and we set a date for them to be free of cigarettes. Then it rained hard and the path we took to get to his house was completely underwater. SO we had to find another path. And as we were walking home we came to a part of the road that was completely underwater. Well when cars go through it, the water parts. So we had the smart idea to run behind the car so we wouldn't get wet. Well the car was faster than us. We got to about the middle and the water closed back on us. It was about mid calf. Yep. Super fun.

Thursday we had interviews with President Foote. That took about all day. Our bus took forever to get there and interviews were running late anyway. I finally got my interview about 1ish. It was awesome. I learned a lot in that interview about God's love for us and I got a new perspective on some scriptures. It was very enlightening. Then I went on a split with Elder Mack's companion, Elder Tambula from Uganda. Way cool guy. It took about 2 hours to get back to the house and there I saw Raivo and Prisca from Antsirabe which was way weird! Elder Reynolds and I taught them and it was way cool to see them again. But we had a pretty good day even though it started at like 4:30. We got so cool contacts and had a great lesson with Edmond. Their kid was asleep and they told us that they had received an answer to prayer about the Book of Mormon. 

Friday we had the Christmas activity at the office. We had breakfast and a devotional then had a white elephant and games. It was way fun to have all the missionaries in Tana there. Then we watched, "A Christmas Story" which was way cool. Maybe not totally appropriate for missionaries but President Foote picked the movie so yeah. Then I got to Skype! Way fun! Weird to think that my next skype will be very close to me going home. We went with the AP's after that and they drove us back to the house. 

Saturday we had English which was way good. Somebody asked about Joseph Smith so I got to tell the story in English which was way weird. It was a good day because all the times we had went through.We taught a lot of cool people and got soaked on the way home because it was raining like it does everyday.

Sunday there was a little Christmas program that some members did and it was good. We had 8 investigators come to church so that was awesome! Some people were going a little too deep doctrine in the classes though so I was a little concerned about the investigators. A member brought an investigator to church that we are going to start teaching. He seems like a way cool guy. We went to find his house and it was way far and his phone didn't work so we ended up wasting a lot of time there. We were able to teach Edmond again and they didn't come to church because his wife was sick. Then we taught another family that are struggling to keep commitments. We are about to drop them. We were pretty clear yesterday that reading for themselves is the only way to know. SO they said they would read. If they aren't doing that and don't come to church next week we will probably drop them. 

Well that's the week. I hope everyone has a good week and a Happy New Year! I'll talk to you again in 2016! 

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