Monday, March 16, 2015


On Monday we had a pretty chill P-day. We bought jerseys for our team for the tournament on Saturday. Robin and Fifaliana came by our house and painted our names and numbers on the shirts. Still no guinea pigs for our soiree but it'll happen eventually I think.

Tuesday I started preparing for zone conference by studying this talk that President sent to us. It's called "Our whole souls as an offering unto Him." Very good talk and I studied the heck out of it too. Like 3 whole pages of my study journal were filled. We taught one of our investigators about the first vision and they just wanted to believe what we had to say but we told them they need to pray first. It's kind of voatery (required) We taught some less actives and it was all good. They come to church sometimes but they just barely had a baby and they Malagasies do things is that whenever someone has a baby, they just stay home for like 2 months. Yeah kinda lame. But after that we went to our branch president's house to set up a time with him. Well we knock on the door and his wife and son answer. The son looks right at me, freaks out and gives me a huge hug. I had never seen him before that day. Kinda weird but cool nonetheless. 

Wednesday we had English class and it was Elder Glabareath's last atime so Tahiry sang to him. It was weird but it was good. We did a split again after English and I went with Robin. We went to Blondine, the place last week where the lady got mad for me being too direct. Well she had read the whole pamphlet and prayed about our message. Way cool. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and she really liked it so we'll see how it goes. Our other times fell through though so it was kinda lame but we did have one other one after that. And we had a soiree so that was good. 

We taught this guy today who lives way far from anything but he came to church last Sunday, learned from the sisters in Tana before and wants to learn again. Way cool guy. He's way quiet but he's cool. So in one of our lessons on Monday we taught a lesson and there was a visitor there while we were teaching. Well she wanted to learn from us too. SO we taught her and it's way cool. She told us that she had had many missionaries in her house from different faiths and the first time she saw us she felt something different in her heart and she knew she wanted to hear what we had to say. We went back to the church after that to a fireside by President Adams for the members about the Book of Mormon. It was way good and the members loved it. And then for some reason there was a guy from Razaka's home ward there and he agave us a ride to our next time. He had a way nice car and Aerosmith was playing on the radio when we got in the car. 

Friday was good solid day of less active work. That's pretty much all we taught that day was less actives. They were all good lessons though don't get me wrong. We did teach one new investigator family that is very poor and makes popcorn for a living which is actually not that great. I'm sending a video home of how they make it and it's a lot different than microwave popcorn that's for sure. 

Saturday was a way awesome day. We had the soccer final in the morning. The missionary team lost their first game and when we went out to play, things got bad. There was some confusion in the bracket and one team wanted to play us but we beat them the last time. So they were out. And we would have but we were short on time so we had to play another team. But this team wasn't having any of that. So they all threw a tantrum and just sat in the middle of the field and wouldn't let us play. Like little kids. They were grown men let me remind you. So yeah we just called it and left and now they are really mad and are blaming it on the missionaries... It's like dealing with 6 year olds sometimes. But we had zone conference and that was way good. We learned a lot about asking questions when teaching and focusing on the importance of a living prophet. But the best part might have been that we got to watch meet the Mormons. Yeah way awesome. The weird thing is that I felt more comfortable watching the part in Tibet, because it looked a lot more like Madagascar than any of the other stuff. But it was a way good movie and we might start showing it in our English class. It made me feel very grateful to be a member of the Church. Tena Marina. After zone conference we went to some birthday party for a member that had started hours earlier but they refused to cut the cake until we got there and were calling us through the whole zone conference. So we went, grabbed some cake and left. I hate Malagasy cake. Oh and, Saturday was my one year anniversary since I got my call. 

Sunday was a good day. We had a decent amount of investigators come to church. And one of them went up to the Branch President after sacrament and asked him when the next baptismal service was because he wants to be baptized. I love this area! Then we went out to work, Razaka and I taught one lesson together and then did a split because we have way too many investigators on Sunday. But Robin and I went to quite a few times and taught Tinah, Naina and Pascal, the one who asked to be baptized. They actually asked about baptism when I got there so I explained it all and tried to give them a date. Well they said they don't want to set a date quite yet but I got them to commit to doing it this Saturday so it'll be good. And then we had transfers. Well Razaka and I are staying together and Elder Kelsch is going to Tana. I'll miss him, he's way cool. Elder Mack is coming to Antsirabe though so that'll be fun. And Elder Rice is training again which is going to be kinda weird haha. 

Oh I almost forgot but I am also giving a talk in 2 weeks so that'll be interesting.

Elder Coleman and Elder Kelsch

Razaka, Pascal, and Austin

The girl on his left is the same age as him.

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